
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Wean Me Gently

I found this poem tonight when looking on Best for Babes Facebook page.  Are you friends with them?  They post wonderful articles about breastfeeding and birth every day.  Anyway, as I was looking through their wall photos I found a link to this poem.

Wean Me Gently

I know I look so big to you,
Maybe I seem too big for the needs I have. 

But no matter how big we get, 

We still have needs that are important to us.
I know that our relationship is growing and changing,
But I still need you.  I need your warmth and closeness. 
Especially at the end of the day,
When we snuggle up in bed.
Please don't get too busy for us to nurse.
I know you think I can be patient,
Or find something to take the place of nursing;
A book, a glass of something,
but nothing can take your place when I need you. 
Sometimes just cuddling with you, 
Having you near is enough. 
I guess I am growing and becoming independent,
But please be there. 
This bond we have is so strong and so important to me, 
Please don't break it abruptly.
Wean me gently,
Because I am your mother,
And my heart is tender. 

By Cathy Cardall

What a beautiful poem that describes so much of a nursing relationship.  I'm so glad I found it tonight.  People as me when I'm going to wean Oliver.  I tell them when he's good and ready.  And as his mother who loves our time cuddling, I hope it's not any time soon.  Wean me gently.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Do you shop at Once Upon a Child?

I love hitting our local consignment sales to do the majority of Oliver's clothing shopping.  We sometimes have to fill in the gaps with stops at Once Upon a Child.  Oliver's crazy mom did not think about him needing a larger size to finish the winter.  And consequently he had outgrown all his clothing in length.  So yesterday after his Dr. appointment we went on a small shopping spree.  --I was not planning on going if we got news he had something contagious but his Dr. diagnosed him with Roseola which is a viral infection that causes a few days of fever followed by a rash.  I'm glad we went in because they wanted to do a strep test just to rule it out and thankfully it was negative.  His ears also looked good which is another blessing--

Back to our shopping spree.  I was really enjoying my time out of the house.  My car has been out of commission for quite a while now and it is so hard to be stuck at home all week long.  Kurt came home early so I could take Oliver to his appointment and it worked out for both of us.  Kurt got some time alone at home to blare his music and watch whatever he wanted, and I got some time out in the real world, which I really needed.  I discovered that Oliver is in his hardest size to find, yet.  I had to search through all the 12 month section as well as the 18 month section because 12-18 month clothes were found in both!  Oliver was content in his stroller with awesome toy that attaches to anything (stroller, carseat, highchair, bouncy seat, etc) that Kurt's mom got for him.  We were good to go!  Here's what I found- all for $57, I think that's pretty good.

T shirts- 2 new with tags (bought short sleeved so they're good for spring)

3 pairs of pants, I love the skinny leg jeans on the Right

Old Navy, Chaps, and Zutano rompers.  Love the funky colors of Zutano clothing!

Pull over hoodie

Funky Baby Gap set.  I love the linen pants! couldn't pass it up! 

So we got 6 stamps on our Once Upon a Child card and headed out to the car.  Loaded up our goods and turned right back around and walked down the side walk to Platos Closet.  Do you ever shop there?  I really don't.  I think I've been there once before yesterday.  They had so many clothes and I was on a time crunch so I checked out the dresses and the tank tops.  Here's what I got.  Mommy deserves a treat too, right?  :)  Especially since she's lost another 5 pounds! 10 pounds from pre- pregnancy weight!

The shirt is Gap and the dress was new with tags and is perfect for nursing!  Can't go wrong there!  Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New furniture!

Have you seen my old couch?  The one that was Kurt's great- grandmother's couch?  The one that's sturdy but ugly as sin.  The one with the surefit slipcover that I adjust all day long. Guess what?  It's no longer an eye sore in my living room!  It's morphed into our bedroom to deal with later but now my living room is neatly decorated with a chocolate brown sofa and matching love seat and a leather ottoman!  The ottoman is doubled as our coffee table.  Something I've wanted for a long time!  It's perfect for children.  There are no sharp corners, no glass to bang on (like our old one), and it doubles for seating if need be.  I'm in love.

Guess where this furniture came from?  I'm almost embarrassed to tell you... We shopped our main local stores without much avail and then decided to try Value City Furniture.  We were surprisingly impressed with their selection and their prices.  We made our selection after a few hours of my indecisiveness, but I am pleased.  It was just delivered today and the delivery men were fabulous!  They moved our old couch (which was pushed in the middle of the room along the edge of the kitchen) into our bedroom for us.  They had to get crafty to get it through the door but they did great without hurting a thing!  AND get this, Oliver was napping in our bedroom and they didn't even wake him!  Needless to say I was totally impressed!

So do you want to see our new furniture?  Will an iPhone pic do?  No?! Ok I'll get a better one.

Alright, while the pictures are uploading let me tell you the room is not yet complete.  I've had my eye on an accent chair but I'm waiting to actually purchase it for a few reasons.  Here's the one I'm eyeing.  Do I need one or two?  If I buy it now I have to get a new rug and cover the red stripped pillows that came with the couches.  So you understand that will wait a bit.  For now, I'm very happy.  Thanks Kurt!! <3

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A beauty outing.

Libby and I had a fabulous day on Saturday.  We had an appointment with the best hair dresser ever, David at Max Hair and Nails.  I was getting highlights and Libby needed a trim.  We enjoyed Starbucks while we were pampered and I even painted my nails while my dye sat.  Is that tacky?  They do nails there but they were really busy so I did my own!  With my own polish of course.  Have you ever tried Essie nail polish?  OhMeeeGeee it's the BEST polish I've ever used.  I bought 5 colors last week and have tried two of them and love them both!

After our salon session I was itching to get to Sephora just to continue our beauty day and to see what I could blow some money on since I saved money by painting my own nails! ;)  So we made our way to the mall, which I hardly ever go to anymore.  At Sephora we had a grand old time trying on makeup.  Don't you love that you can test everything out before you buy?  It's wonderful!  I have had my eye on Nars Orgasm blush for a couple years and have never dropped the bucks on it.  Well you know what, how often do you buy blush?  Not that often.  So I did what any girl would do when she's on a beauty outing and bought what I wanted.

I got Nars Orgasm blush.
Boxum Blackest Black Mascara
Tarina Tarintino Eye Dream Highligh Duo

I left one happy camper.  Since then I'm VERY happy with the makeup choices I made.  The mascara is the best mascara I've ever tried.  It goes on so nicely and I don't have very long eyelashes, as in, my eyelashes are short.  And I really love it.  My only complaint is that the eye shadow in freaking hard to open, isn't that weird?  I chipped a pretty red nail trying to open it so that made me unhappy.

Thanks for reading!