
Friday, March 9, 2012

Stroller Envy.

Don't get me wrong.  We have a very nice stroller, but there is one I'm drooling over!  We bought a Maclaren when I was prego.  I knew I wanted one because they are very sturdy, fold up tiny, and maneuver so nicely.  I found a great deal on our Maclaren and was able to get an even better one than I first wanted.  We found this designer edition Albert Thurston Ryder with all the accessories and leather handlebars at more than 50% off.  Our accessories include the winter seat, a "boot", rain cover, and a fuzzy Maclaren blanket.  It has been great and I don't need another stroller but that stroller envy is creeping its way in.

I discovered the Britax B Ready stroller this week as I was helping Libby with her baby registries.  Some of my online mom friends have this and love it!  And Wowza!  Have you seen this thing?!  It is the only stroller you will ever need.  It starts out with the "toddler" seat which is recommended for a baby 6 months and older because it does not recline completely.  The toddler seat can be replaced by a variety of seats for a newborn.  The bassinet or a carseat.  The Britax Chaperone infant seat and the Britax B Safe carseat both will snap onto the stroller as well.  They also make a universal adapter that will allow any carseat to snap in.

The toddler seat and whichever newborn seat you choose can be turned forward or backward!  Now, here's why it's the only stroller you'll ever need!  It becomes a double when your family grows!!  And it's a stacked double instead of a side by side.  It looks similar to a Phil and Teds but the newborn attachments remind me of an UPPAbaby.  So it's the best of both worlds!  There are a variety of ways to snap the seats in and you're good to go up to 55 pounds.  So don't you think I'll need this stroller when I have my next babe?  Yea, I do too.
Of course, for now my Maclaren is more than adequate!  :) 


  1. wow that thing is impressive!! i have stroller envy now too- thanks a lot ;)

  2. Sorry! Libby just got hers and I played with it the other night.
    I'm destined to have one one of these days! ;)
